Symptoms Of Covid-19

When to test

Usual symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, body ache, loss of smell & taste, chills, and breathlessness. New symptoms are pink eyes, loose motions, and hearing impairment.

In case you were in close contact of 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more with a confirmed COVID-19 patient.

When not to test

If two weeks have passed after taking both doses of vaccine and there are no symptoms, no need to test after coming in close contact with a COVID-19 patient.

Help in uncertain times

Which test should be done?

RT-PCR is gold standard

Requirements for RT-PCR test

At the time of the sample collection, as mandated by the Government of India, providing the copy of Aadhaar card of the patient is a mandatory requirement

The COVID test report is shared online over e-mail or on provider app, min. 1 day. Looking at the current scenario, this might take 3-4

Alternatively, on advise of the treating doctor, you can also get CT chest to detect the virus.

Interpretation of RT-PCR report

According to the ICMR, the current positivity criteria is based on the cycle threshold (CT) which is a measure of how soon after the RT-PCR test, COVID-19 is detected in a sample.

As per ICMR guidelines, a patient with CT value of =<35 may be considered as positive and all others may be considered as negative.

CT refers to the number of cycles needed to amplify the viral RNA to a detectable level.

Important Information

Detailed interpretation of the result of COVID-19

Click Here

Clinical guidance for management of COVID-19 patients from AIIMS

Click Here

Revised home isolation guidelines

Click Here

FAQs for patients with co-morbidities in view of the pandemic

Click Here

Covid-19 Oxygen Therapy guide

Click Here

Stages of Covid-19

SPO2* >94 90-94 <90
RR* <24 24-30 >30
CONDITION Mild fever, fatigue, myalgia, cough, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhoea Moderate but frequent fever, cough, chest CT with lesions Critical, acute respiratory distress syndrome, shock, hearing failure, coagulation dysfunction, and acute kidney injury

Physical distancing, indoor mask use, strict hand hygiene.

Symptomatic management (hydration, anti-pyretics, anti-tussive, multivitamins)

Stay in contact with the treating doctor

Monitor temperature and oxygen saturation (by applying a SpO2 probe to fingers)

Consult a doctor immediately Consult a doctor immediately

Home quarantine or isolation ward

Isolation ward/hospitalisation/ICU


*SPO2: Oxygen saturation | **RR: Respiratory rate

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Covid cases Source:, These are the current norms, and they are subject to change in the future as per the govt policies. COVID related information and the links shared in this document has been collated from secondary research and are believed to be reliable but have not been verified is accurate on the date. However given these are dynamic in nature, these are and therefore subject to change from time to time. By accessing the links in this document, you may be redirected to third party websites and microsites that may give you information to help you through this pandemic. Prudent does not accept any liability for any services or information that you access through these links or information in this communication. We have used what we believe are reliable, up-to-date and comprehensive information and analysis, but all information is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and we disclaim any responsibility for such information or analysis or to update the information or analysis in this document. We accept no liability for any loss arising from any action taken or refrained from, or any decision made, as a result of or reliance upon anything contained in this report or any reports or sources of information referred to herein, or for actual results or future events or any damages of any kind, including without limitation direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, special or other damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Its content may not be modified or incorporated into or used in other material, or sold or otherwise provided, in whole or in part, to any other person or entity, without our written permission. No obligation is assumed to revise this report to reflect changes, events, or conditions, which occur after the date hereof. Any opinions, recommendations, analysis, or advice provided herein could be materially affected if any underlying assumptions, conditions, information, or factors are inaccurate or incomplete or should change. This document contains information which is aimed to assist the reader and is generic in nature and is not meant to be medical advice. Kindly contact your doctor for advice on the disease and related next steps.

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