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Message from founder

  Happiness of customers is the effect of a composed team that works with a common and strong philosophy. Our team at Blue Nile Infrastructure, individually as well as symbiotically, believes that ‘Delivering on Dreams’ of our customers is both the vision and the mission. We believe that success translates to contribution, not competition. If the aim is to win against someone to get ahead, one has to compromise on ethics and morals. At Blue Nile Infrastructure, we believe in celebrating our work, our clients, and our philosophies. We wish to stand our ground, have unshakable roots in the industry, and persistently work towards making people feel happy and fulfilled. The trophies on our shelves are not what we strive for. The real achievement is when we are the catalyst in turning dreams into reality

Blue Nile Infrastructure, much like the river, is transparent, pure, clean, and constantly moving towards something greater. The foundation of philosophy and design was laid in November 2012. The company, raised with strength of thought and integrity in action, began functioning on the 19th April 2015, in Pune, Maharashtra. Our Vision is to provide 3 facilities in real estate; Residential, Investment, and Second Home, with clarity of conduct and honest commitments.

Blue Nile Infrastructure respects your hard earned money and understands the importance of your dreams. We offer affordable living and customized construction, tailored to fulfill the unique needs and desires of each customer. Properties in today’s market are made to fit one of three goals; Investment, Residential, or a Second Home. La Colina is all three and more. This project brings forth, the philosophy of ‘Freedom of Living’.