Prudent Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. is the registered Insurance Broker, license number 291 and does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. This report and any recommendations, analysis or advice provided herein, are based on our experience as insurance and reinsurance brokers or as consultants, as applicable, are not intended to be taken as advice or recommendations regarding any individual situation. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges on claims, from the policy document issued by the insurance company for the current year, policy wordings can be availed from your organization HR team. The details of Insurer and TPA is as referred in policy document issued by the Insurance company.
Covid cases Source:, These are the current norms, and they are subject to change in the future as per the govt policies. COVID related information and the links shared in this document has been collated from secondary research and are believed to be reliable but have not been verified is accurate on the date. However given these are dynamic in nature, these are and therefore subject to change from time to time. By accessing the links in this document, you may be redirected to third party websites and microsites that may give you information to help you through this pandemic. Prudent does not accept any liability for any services or information that you access through these links or information in this communication. We have used what we believe are reliable, up-to-date and comprehensive information and analysis, but all information is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and we disclaim any responsibility for such information or analysis or to update the information or analysis in this document. We accept no liability for any loss arising from any action taken or refrained from, or any decision made, as a result of or reliance upon anything contained in this report or any reports or sources of information referred to herein, or for actual results or future events or any damages of any kind, including without limitation direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, special or other damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Its content may not be modified or incorporated into or used in other material, or sold or otherwise provided, in whole or in part, to any other person or entity, without our written permission. No obligation is assumed to revise this report to reflect changes, events, or conditions, which occur after the date hereof. Any opinions, recommendations, analysis, or advice provided herein could be materially affected if any underlying assumptions, conditions, information, or factors are inaccurate or incomplete or should change. This document contains information which is aimed to assist the reader and is generic in nature and is not meant to be medical advice. Kindly contact your doctor for advice on the disease and related next steps.
© Copyright 2021 Prudent Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.