Aviation by itself presents a very unique and challenging proposition to insurers by way of small ticket- large risks, wherein the actual hull rates even after recent corrections are far lower than the motor rates on offer in India as of now.
We cater to majority of the market and produce high success rates in the thick of claims as well. Our well-designed policies ensure that the intent of the policy meets the purpose of the insured. Designing specific solutions customised to every General Aviation client, keeping in mind the complexity of operations and risks involved is something we are proud of at Prudent. We have been instrumental in settling large claims both on the hull and the liability side. Covering complex claims from soft FODs to engine breakdowns due to external factors have not only been responded to, but also solicited for a settlement. We at Prudent are passionate about meeting our client's requirements and uplifting every experience.
Estimated Size of the Indian aviation insurance market
The Covid challenges together by formulating individual client action plans