Automobile insurance (also known as car insurance, or motor insurance) is an insurance purchased for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles. Its primary use is to provide financial protection against physical damage and/or bodily injury resulting from collisions and against liability that could also arise as an aftermath of an accident. An organization’s fleet of motor vehicles represents a significant investment in capital and management time. It also represents a sizable proportion of the risk the company carries. Motor Fleet Insurance is understandably the preferable option for businesses that need to insure several company vehicles.
We understand the importance of catering to each individual business’ needs. With our unparalleled motor fleet expertise, we can help the client meet their legal obligations, reduce costs, save time, minimize the risks associated with running their fleet, and give their business total protection and control over the fleet operation.
Our approach is to work closely with each customer to ensure we fully understand their business, fleet risk management strategies and loss history. Once we have a clear understanding of the client’s risk(s), we work together with them and the insurers to reduce their risk, claims costs and ultimately their premium spends.
We have vast experience working as a full-service insurance broking agency.
See some of the commercial insurances